Publications 2013

van Dijk JW, Venema M, van Mechelen W, Stehouwer CD, Hartgens F, van Loon LJC. Effect of moderate-intensity exercise versus activities of daily living on 24-hour blood glucose homeostasis in male patients with type 2 diabetes.Diabetes Care. 2013;36(11):3448-53. [IF:10.037].

Wall BT, Dirks ML, van Loon LJC. Skeletal muscle atrophy during short-term disuse: implications for age-related sarcopenia. Ageing Res Rev. 2013;12(4):898-906. [IF:8.084].

Cermak NM, van Loon LJC. The use of carbohydrates during exercise as an ergogenic aid. Sports Med. 2013;43(11):1139-55. [IF:7.622].

Pennings B, Groen BB, van Dijk JW, de Lange A, Kiskini A, Kuklinski M, Senden JM, van Loon LJC. Minced beef is more rapidly digested and absorbed than beef steak, resulting in greater postprandial protein retention in older men. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013;98(1):121-8. [IF:7.506].

Wall BT, van Loon LJC. Nutritional strategies to attenuate muscle disuse atrophy. Nutr Rev. 2013;71(4):195-208. [IF:6.428].

Jonkers RA, van Loon LJC, Nicolay K, Prompers JJ. In vivo postprandial lipid partitioning in liver and skeletal muscle in prediabetic and diabetic rats. Diabetologia. 2013;56(3):618-26.[IF:6.358].

Jocken JW, Goossens GH, Boon H, Mason RR, Essers Y, Havekes B, Watt MJ, van Loon LJC, Blaak EE. Insulin-mediated suppression of lipolysis in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle of obese type 2 diabetic men and men with normal glucose tolerance. Diabetologia. 2013;56(10):2255-65. [IF:6.358].

Wall BT, Snijders T, Senden JM, Ottenbros CL, Gijsen AP, Verdijk LB, van Loon LJC. Disuse impairs the muscle protein synthetic response to protein ingestion in healthy men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98(12):4872-81. [IF:6.215].

Leenders M, Verdijk LB, van der Hoeven L, van Kranenburg J, Nilwik R, van Loon LJC. Elderly men and women benefit equally from prolonged resistance-type exercise training. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013;68(7):769-79. [IF:5.783].

Mijnarends DM, Meijers JM, Halfens RJ, ter Borg S, Luiking YC, Verlaan S, Schoberer D, Cruz Jentoft AJ, van Loon LJC, Schols JM. Validity and reliability of tools to measure muscle mass, strength, and physical performance in community-dwelling older people: a systematic review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013;14(3):170-8. [IF:5.449].

Leenders M, Verdijk LB, van der Hoeven L, Adam JJ, van Kranenburg J, Nilwik R, van Loon LJC. Patients with type 2 diabetes show a greater decline in muscle mass, muscle strength, and functional capacity with aging. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013;14(8):585-92. [IF:5.449].

Brouwer-Brolsma EM, van de Rest O, Tieland M, van der Zwaluw NL, Steegenga WT, Adam JJ, van Loon LJC, Feskens EJ, de Groot LC. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D is associated with cognitive executive function in Dutch prefrail and frail elderly: a cross-sectional study exploring the associations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with glucose metabolism, cognitive performance and depression. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013;14(11):852 e9-17. [IF:5.449].

Burd NA, Gorissen SH, van Loon LJC. Anabolic resistance of muscle protein synthesis with aging. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2013;41(3):169-73. [IF:5.429].

Van Dijk JW, Manders RJ, Canfora EE, Mechelen WV, Hartgens F, Stehouwer CD, van Loon LJC. Exercise and 24-h glycemic control: equal effects for all type 2 diabetes patients? Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2013;45(4):628-35. [IF:5.222].

Res PT, Cermak NM, Stinkens R, Tollakson TJ, Haenen GR, Bast A, van Loon LJC. Astaxanthin supplementation does not augment fat use or improve endurance performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2013;45(6):1158-65. [IF:5.222].

Leenders M, Verdijk LB, Van der Hoeven L, Van Kranenburg J, Nilwik R, Wodzig WK, Senden JM, Keizer HA, van Loon LJC. Protein supplementation during resistance-type exercise training in the elderly. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2013;45(3):542-52. [IF:5.222].

Cermak NM, Snijders T, McKay BR, Parise G, Verdijk LB, Tarnopolsky MA, Gibala MJ, van Loon LJC. Eccentric exercise increases satellite cell content in type II muscle fibers. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2013;45(2):230-7. [IF:5.222].

Wall BT, Hamer HM, de Lange A, Kiskini A, Groen BB, Senden JM, Gijsen AP, Verdijk LB, van Loon LJC. Leucine co-ingestion improves post-prandial muscle protein accretion in elderly men. Clin Nutr. 2013;32(3):412-9. [IF:4.916].

Nabuurs CI, Choe CU, Veltien A, Kan HE, van Loon LJC, Rodenburg RJ, Matschke J, Wieringa B, Kemp GJ, Isbrandt D, Heerschap A. Disturbed energy metabolism and muscular dystrophy caused by pure creatine deficiency are reversible by creatine intake. J Physiol. 2013;591(2):571-92. [IF:4.898].

Huidekoper HH, Ackermans MT, Koopman R, van Loon LJC, Sauerwein HP, Wijburg FA. Normal rates of whole-body fat oxidation and gluconeogenesis after overnight fasting and moderate-intensity exercise in patients with medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2013;36(5):831-40. [IF:3.710].

Hamer HM, Wall BT, Kiskini A, de Lange A, Groen BB, Bakker JA, Gijsen AP, Verdijk LB, van Loon LJC. Carbohydrate co-ingestion with protein does not further augment post-prandial muscle protein accretion in older men. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2013;10(1):15. [IF:3.525].

Nilwik R, Snijders T, Leenders M, Groen BB, van Kranenburg J, Verdijk LB, van Loon LJC. The decline in skeletal muscle mass with aging is mainly attributed to a reduction in type II muscle fiber size. Exp Gerontol. 2013;48(5):492-8. [IF:3.491].

Klinkenberg LJ, Res PT, Haenen GR, Bast A, van Loon LJC, van Dieijen-Visser MP, Meex SJ. Effect of antioxidant supplementation on exercise-induced cardiac troponin release in cyclists: a randomized trial. PLoS One. 2013;8(11):e79280. [IF:3.394].

Burd NA, Hamer HM, Pennings B, Pellikaan WF, Senden JM, Gijsen AP, van Loon LJC. Substantial Differences between Organ and Muscle Specific Tracer Incorporation Rates in a Lactating Dairy Cow. PLoS One. 2013;8(6):e68109. [IF:3.394].

van Wijck K, Pennings B, van Bijnen AA, Senden JM, Buurman WA, Dejong CH, van Loon LJC, Lenaerts K. Dietary protein digestion and absorption are impaired during acute postexercise recovery in young men. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2013;304(5):R356-61. [IF:3.290].

Tieland M, Brouwer-Brolsma EM, Nienaber-Rousseau C, van Loon LJC, De Groot LC. Low vitamin D status is associated with reduced muscle mass and impaired physical performance in frail elderly people. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2013;67(10):1050-5. [IF:3.226].

Cooper C, Fielding R, Visser M, van Loon LJC, Rolland Y, Orwoll E, Reid K, Boonen S, Dere W, Epstein S, Mitlak B, Tsouderos Y, Sayer AA, Rizzoli R, Reginster JY, Kanis JA. Tools in the assessment of sarcopenia. Calcif Tissue Int. 2013;93(3):201-10. [IF:3.091].

Kiskini A, Hamer HM, Wall BT, Groen BB, de Lange A, Bakker JA, Senden JM, Verdijk LB, van Loon LJC. The muscle protein synthetic response to the combined ingestion of protein and carbohydrate is not impaired in healthy older men. Age (Dordr). 2013;35(6):2389-98. [IF:2.850].

Zbinden-Foncea H, van Loon LJC, Raymackers JM, Francaux M, Deldicque L. Contribution of nonesterified fatty acids to mitogen-activated protein kinase activation in human skeletal muscle during endurance exercise. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2013;23(3):201-9. [IF:2.367].

Wall BT, Stephens FB, van Loon LJC, Constantin-Teodosiu D, Macdonald IA, Greenhaff PL. Reduced fat oxidation during high intensity, submaximal exercise: Is the availability of carnitine important? Eur J Sport Sci. 2013;13(2):191-9.[IF:2.323].

van Dijk JW, Manders RJF, Tummers K, Bonomi AG, Stehouwer CDA, Hartgens F, van Loon LJC. Kracht- en duurinspanning verbeteren 24-uurs bloedglucosehomeostase bij personen met een verminderde glucosetolerantie bij patiënten met type 2 diabetes. Ned Tijdschr Diabet. 2013;11(2):52-3.

Tieland M, de Groot L, van Loon LJC. [Recent research: egg white supplementation during longterm resistance training increases muscle mass in the frail elderly] – Recent onderzoek : Eiwitsuppletie tijdens langdurige krachttraining vergroot de spiermassatoename in fragiele ouderen. Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr. 2013;44(2):90-1.

van Dijk JW, van Loon LJC. Response to comment on: van Dijk et al. Exercise therapy in type 2 diabetes: is daily exercise required to optimize glycemic control? Diabetes Care 2012;35:948-954. Diabetes Care. 2013;36(5):e74 (Letter to the Editor).

Cermak NM, de Groot LC, van Loon LJC. Perspective: Protein supplementation during prolonged resistance type exercise training augments skeletal muscle mass and strength gains. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013;14(1):71-2 (Letter to the Editor).

van Dijk JW, Tummers K, Stehouwer CD, Hartgens F, van Loon LJC. Exercise therapy in type 2 diabetes: Is daily exercise required to optimize glycemic control? Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics. 2013;15(SUPPL.1):S97-S8 (Commentary).

Van Dijk JW, Manders RJ, Tummers K, Bonomi AG, Stehouwer CD, Hartgens F, van Loon LJC. Both resistance- and endurance-type exercise reduce the prevalence of hyperglycemia in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance and in insulin-treated and non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics. 2013;15(SUPPL.1):S99-S100 (Commentary).

van Loon LJC, Tipton KD. Concluding remarks: nutritional strategies to support the adaptive response to prolonged exercise training. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2013;75:135-41.

van Loon LJC, Meeusen R. Limits of human endurance. Preface. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2013;76:VII.

van Loon LJC, Meeusen R. Concluding remarks: Nutritional strategies to increase performance capacity. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2013;76:121-5 .

van Loon LJC. Role of dietary protein in post-exercise muscle reconditioning. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2013;75:73-83.

Aguirre N, van Loon LJC, Baar K. The role of amino acids in skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2013;76:85-102.

41 Publications